The Political Scorecards Canada – About

The Scorecard

The scorecard is a tool to help you decide if your elected

representative is trustworthy and standing up in protection of our rights and freedoms.

How the Score is Generated

In each province we identify these three critical Key Areas of Measurement that have a Holistic impact This measure is shown on individual politicians scorecards as a green check mark or a Red X, Pass or Fail. on individual Scorecards and our rights and freedoms:

  1. Public commitment (Pledge)
  2. Votes on critical legislation (Current and Past)
  3. Verifiable Public Statements.

If you see a Green Checkmark (pass), a Red X (fail) or a Yellow Caution Mark (Unknown, Absent) it indicates a (commitment, voting, public) record that either supports or undermines our rights and freedoms.

The performance scorecards for politicians and candidates under the Foundational Principles Pledge (FPP) are calculated using three primary data sources: pledging to safeguard our rights and freedoms, historical voting records – current voting records, and verifiable positions taken in the public domain. Each data point is weighted according to its importance in protecting and upholding our rights and freedoms, with a focus on legislation critical to these principles. This system aggregates the weighted data to generate a percentage score that determines whether a politician passes or fails on their individual performance report/scorecard.

(Example for general process understanding only)

# Weighting:

Weight assigned by Severity Index. Votes are either YES, NO or ABSENT.

# Severity level:

/Impact level: Positive or Negative 1 TO 3 Max = *** or ***

( RED * = legislation with negative impacts, GREEN * = legislation with positive impacts.)

(Red/Green Vote can be any combination of vote and colour. Absent always=yellow)

# Record Criteria:

#1.) dtAll %<>% addCriteria (“Pledge Record“, criteriaPledge)

criteriaPledge <- list ( “Pledged”,  3, 0, -3)

#2.) dtAll %<>% addCriteria (“Current Voting Record“, criteriaCurrent)

criteriaCurrent <- list

( “Bill 31”, -3, -1, 3,                        ***  (example: -3 in favour, -1 absent – did not participate, 3 against) 

  “Bill 36”, -3, -1, 3,                        ***

  “Bill 44”, -1, -1, 2,                        **

  “Bill 46”, -1, -1, 2,                        **

  “Bill 47”, -1, 0, 1)                          *    (example: -1 in favour, 0 absent – unanimous on division, 1 against) 


 dtAll %<>% addCriteria (“Past Voting Record“, criteriaPast)

dtAll$`Bill 19, 2020` %>% as.ordered %>% summary

criteriaPast <- list

( “Bill 19, 2020”,  -3,-1,3,              ***

  “Motion 3, 2023”,  -3,-1,3,         ***

  “Bill 37, 2008”,  -1,-1, 2,              **

  “Bill 41”, -3,-1,3)                          ***

#4.) dtAll %<>% addCriteria (“Public Event Record“, criteriaPublic )

criteriaPublic <- list(
“RnF Alignment”, -3, 0, 3
) (Max 5 Events = 100%)

#Final Sort:

dtAll$`Pledge Record (%)` %>% sort
dtAll$`Current Voting Record (%)` %>% sort
dtAll$`Past Voting Record (%)` %>% sort
dtAll$`Public Record (%)` %>% sort

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